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Autor Téma: Prodej dodávky Toyota Liteace (251 000 km) 3300 $NZ  (Přečteno 12400 krát)

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Příspěvků: 1

« : Duben 13, 2014, 02:03:48 pm »

URGENT Toyota Liteace (251 000 km) with boat and bikes- ready to go
3300 $NZ
Very spacious and comfortable van with our own designed moving interior
outdoor equipment :
-1 bike(+bike carrier for 3 bikes)
-inflatable boat for 6 person, paddles, pump
-fishing material
-tent for 2 people
-kathmandu camping chairs
-camping stove
-ancient company car – we are the 1st backpackers who have used this van – only a few gravel road's kilometres
-our own construction of moving interior and design makes this van very adaptable to travel – you can have a huge bed (we have slept sometimes 3 inside) or a kitchen and dining/living room
where you can fit 4-5 people inside
-we have changed - new oil, new oil filter, new safety tire, new speakers and auto radio
-good battery – we have never had any problem to start the car after spending hours of lighting the interior or playing the radio
-fully equipped for 2 people
-outside or inside cooking options with everything you need for 2 persons
-construction to carry the surfboards on the roof
-detailed Kiwi map of the South island
251 000 km
Diesel (still cheaper than essence)
New Wof : june 2014
kitchen/ dining room:
-2 water pockets 20 litres
- 2 cups/ 4 plates / cutlery
-saucepan, frying pan
-tea and coffee pot
-salad bowl
and few other things
bedroom / living room
1 big matress
2 pillows + pillowcases
2 sheets
extra lights
wood arrangements to put cans and food
wooden boxes : we have used 1 for the food and the bigger one for the clothes
We have spent 8 excellent months in this van even during rainy weather, now our holidays and New Zeland dream is almost over and it is time to go back to our normal lifes.
You will see that the biggest advantage of our van is a lot of space inside and also it is very easy to drive ( good for you if you are not used to drive on the left ). The outdoor equipment we have will save you a lot of money because the high prices of any activity in New Zeland. There are a lot of lakes in the south and many biking trails.
Available at any times, just contact us on the phone number: 0210 839 1005
or email: mike.vedrines[zavináč] (french) or jana.navratilova2[zavináč] (czech)
for any further information if you are interested.
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