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Autor Téma: campervan toyota estima with full tank for sale - 2990 nzd ONO  (Přečteno 11607 krát)

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 2

« : Březen 31, 2015, 12:58:31 am »

hi there,

as we are leaving new zealand soon, we are selling our 'shelly' toyota estima lucida 1992 4wd with complete camping equipment. the car is available in the canterbury (christchurch and surroundings). our toyota was serviced regularly and has new cv joints, ball joints, shock absorbers (front and rear), spark plugs, fuel and air filters and brake pads, oil and oil filters changed regularly. tires are in good condition (2 of them new).

wof: 31/08/2015 (last wof without any problem, we can demonstrate the report)
rego: 30/06/2015

odometer: 225 xxx km
engine size: 2430 cc
fuel type: petrol
transmission: automatic
automatic front windows
two roof windows
radio with cd + fm transmitter
central locking
4 seats

equipment: bed, comfortable mattress, gas stove, table, 2 chairs, coleman tent for 2 persons, portable rechargeable flashlight, two mats, two headlamps, converter 12v to 220v (charging phones, laptop, camera etc. while driving), reduction of 12v to usb, detailed maps of nz by regions and cities from aa, lonely planet guide and other materials, 2 pots with lids, 2 pans, set of utensils (cups, bowls, plates, cutlery), a cutting board, can opener, wooden spoons etc... maybe we forgot something


please feel free to ask for more information:

phone: 0279718508, email: ruschakmichal[zavináč]
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