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Autor Téma: nissan serena 1994 - poslední sleva!!!  (Přečteno 14706 krát)

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« : Květen 30, 2014, 07:51:43 am »

Car for SALE

Nissan Serena 1994

Hello to all travelers in new zealand and those planning to visit it. Our journey is over and it is time for our serena to serve someone else. It is very reliable car, which we took care of and serviced regularly.

Recently done:
   New battery (still one more year warranty)
   Changed tyres
   New rod stabilizer (both)
   Before next owner will be changed oil and filter

About car:
   plate number CQK 529 - for you to check carjam report if you wish (illustrative       photo)
   2.0 petrol automatic, average 9l / 100km, but we had 8.5l when driving          responsibly
   odometer: 186 XXX km
   WOF till 27.7.2014 (we can make new one for new owner)
   REGO till 6.8.2014 (extension to be done by new owner himself)
   oil and filter regularly changed
   A/C, stereo with cd player, power windows, central lock
   dark tinted glass and dark curtains = can't see through inside and keep you warm
   two sunroofs

   map of NZ (2012) – many tips to visit
   jump start cables, tools (screwdriver...)
   camping cable allowing you to use power sites in camps having them (cost over       150$)    
      - it has safety circuit, so you can use it wherever they restrict only             motorhomes with electrical wof to use power sites
      - you will appreciate it especially when camping for longer time - when          you want to charge your electronics (or watch movie on laptop)
      + extension cord and multi-socket plug for NZ (4 plugs)
   bed with mattress is high enough to have plenty of storage room underneath but       it is not    too high to be unable to sit on it normally
      - lifting both ends of bed- you can get under the bed from inside the car   
   4 pillows and king size duvet
      - spare bed linen (all will be washed)
   2 huge, 1 big folding and 4 medium storage boxes
      + cooler bag
       + 7 small boxes - for food, whatever...
   2 camping chairs, parasol, small shavel
   2 towels, teatowel, 4 blankets (2 warmer)
   little broom, fishing rod, fins, lamp (4x AA) and solar lamp, umbrella
   2 blue tarpaulins with iron eyes - can be used as shelter
   3 pots with lids, cutlery, wooden spoons, big quality pan with lid, chopping          board baking sheet, grater... all cooking equipment
   one plate gas stove and outdoor picnic gas burner (+ camping pots)
   tent, sleeping bag and pad
   heater 230V/2000W

There was not any problem with serena all year long and we would like her to get responsible owner.
If you are interested, we will be happy to provide you with contacts for work and tips for travel.

contact: +642102255679

PRICE: 3100 NZD o.n.o.

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* P4215506.JPG (1310.39 KB, 2048x1536 - prohlédnuto 275 krát.)
« Poslední změna: Červen 08, 2014, 05:30:38 am od jjjohnyyy » Zaznamenáno
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