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Stran: [1]   Dolů
Autor Téma: Cervo Dienstverolening /work in the Netherlands  (Přečteno 19653 krát)
Cervo Dienstverlening

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 2

« : Květen 21, 2015, 11:22:51 am »

Cervo Dienstverlening - We are a Dutch company, we are operating in the labor market for many years
We employ workers from across of Europe to different jobs.
We arrange all the necessary documents allowing it to work legally in the Netherlands but also:
- accommodation (for a fee)
- coordinator care
- insurance
- transport

We can communicate in several languages:  Polish, English, Slovak  and Dutch

If you're talking in one of these languages and you are interested to start  a job in the Netherland send pleas your CV in English to this address:

We will contact  you
Cervo Dienstverlening

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 2

« Odpověď #1 : Květen 21, 2015, 02:07:24 pm »

Cervo Dienstverlening - We are a Dutch company, we are operating in the labor market for many years
We employ workers from across of Europe to different jobs.
We arrange all the necessary documents allowing it to work legally in the Netherlands but also:
- accommodation (for a fee)
- coordinator care
- insurance
- transport

We can communicate in several languages:  Polish, English, Slovak  and Dutch

If you're talking in one of these languages and you are interested to start  a job in the Netherland send pleas your CV in English to this address:

We will contact  you
Stran: [1]   Nahoru
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