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Stran: [1]   Dolů
Autor Téma: Various Technical Positions  (Přečteno 19395 krát)

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 7

« : Červen 06, 2015, 06:51:14 am »

Good morning all.

At this moment I am in the process of working with one of the recruitment agencies here in the Netherlands who is operating within various fields in the Netherlands and worldwide.

Being Slovakian myself, I was asked to start gathering information on Slovak/Czech/Polish technical personel's (welders, electricians, etc.) availability. This is only for this moment, there can be other positions available in the future.

Could you please send me your updated CV and indication on rate (daily/monthly) to viera.banda[at]

There should be a request for many positions, so if you could share this information with your colleagues/friends, that would be much appreciated.

Thank you and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,


Karma: -2
Příspěvků: 8

« Odpověď #1 : Červen 10, 2015, 03:27:21 pm »

Full name:  Bc. Ady Salom
Address: Heemstede Glipper Dreef  77
 Email: adysalom[zavináč]
 Mob. 0031687980970
Date of birth: April 19, 1986 Gender: Male
Citizenship: Syrian (Permanent residence in the Netherlands)
10/2004 - 2/2008
Lea lux, Ltd. Brno, Czech republic  Zábrdovice, Vranovská 45/1
Position: Head Casinos
3/2008 - 2/2010
Brno Czech republic , 65 Hněvkovského
Position: Head of Currency Exchange
3/2010 - 6/2011
Marketa Lukšičkova Czech republic
Position: Manager Promotion
10.2011 to 4.2013
Mediation between Czech Companies and Companies from the Middle East
Attended negotiations with companies that supply a variety of services and products to Iraq, Syria and Arab countries   such as Arsenal metal in Luxembourg, Tesla Holding, Inc. Prague, and other euro companies 
Education and learning
Damascus University
Faculty Of Economics     >>>>>>>                                                                 Graduation

2003 - 2006
 Masaryk University Brno
Faculty Of Medicine
Interruption of studies 3rd year

2002 - 2003
UK - Charles University
2 semester’s Czech language 
2001 - 2002
Syrian Arab Medium its schools Damascus

Language skills

Arabic: mother language
English: excellent
Czech: excellent
Netherland: first steps
Computer skills
MS Windows – Excellent
Internet Explorer - Excellent
MS Office – good

Other skills

Communication skills, negotiation skills in the saike of the company, the experience gained in the participating dealing with large companies.


Computers, swimming, decorating, cooking , Fashion Coordination
Stran: [1]   Nahoru
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