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Autor Téma: Prodám Mitsubishi Galant - South Island (Dunedin & Queenstown)  (Přečteno 24344 krát)

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Příspěvků: 2

« : Červenec 09, 2017, 12:40:18 am »

Mitsubishi Galant for Sale

Unfortunately, I have to suddenly leave New Zealand and so I am looking for a new owner of my reliable fellow traveller Mitsubishi.
I have done full service on 9.6.2017 and he did excellent, in addition was changed the oil with filter. I am more than happy to send you this detailed report upon request.

I have a passion for cars and if I did not have to leave I would keep this car, specially for winter season. I drove up to mountains to Cardrona Ski Resort without chains few days ago and thanks to the automatic transmission, where you can change the gear also manually, was without problem! You will either satisfied with the consumption.

New brakes

New battery

Full size spare tyre

Car details:

Mitsubishi Galant

KM: 215.000

Automatic Transmission

Type: Petrol

Made: 1997

Price: 2.550 ONO

* Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 00.23.14.png (974.37 KB, 908x1284 - prohlédnuto 357 krát.)
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